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Organic Way Of Team Building

Enhance Your Workplace with Our Well‑being Platform

Achieve with us a healthier and happier workforce through organic micro‑team building, improving employee engagement, productivity, and retention.

Schedule a Free Demo
MeetyMeety Organic Team Buildings



Reduction in sick leave and absenteeism


Increase in productivity with wellness programs


Increase in profitability from engaged teams


Reduction in turnover with wellness programs

company teambuilding tennis
company on teambuilding hiking

How MeetyMeety Works?

Connecting Team Building & Well‑being

Organic Micro Team Building

Anyone in the company can create or join 1:1 or group activities based on shared interests, enhancing a healthy company culture and boosting employee engagement.

Bridging Workplace Barriers

MeetyMeety removes psychological, organizational, and cross-departmental barriers, making it easy to schedule activities that support mental and physical health.

Empowering HR Professionals

Automation of micro team building reduces the operational burden on HR specialists and helps them with onboarding, work-life balance, DEIB, and sustainability initiatives.

Try MeetyMeety in Your Company

Key Benefits for Your Company

Enhancing Well‑being, Engagement, Productivity, and Retention

Improved Team Collaboration

Strengthens employee relationships, company culture & office attendance.

Enhanced Well‑being

Promotes mental and physical health through supportive activities.

Maximizing Wellness Benefits

Boosts current wellness programs usage with gamification and challenges.

Actionable HR Insights

Provides insights and feedback for informed HR decision-making.

Increased Engagement

Strengthens a sense of belonging and commitment, enhancing DEIB naturally.

Boosted Productivity

Enhances a healthier, more cohesive, and productive workforce.

Reduced Turnover

Increases job satisfaction and workplace relationships, reducing turnover.

Significant Cost Savings

Lowers costs by reducing turnover and sick days while optimizing team buildings.

Freequently Asked Questions

About MeetyMeety Digital Well‑being Platform
How Can MeetyMeety Be Used ?
MeetyMeety is available as a web application and a mobile app for iOS and Android. We focuses on good user experience, to make our app is easy to use from anywhere.
How Easy Is It to Start Using MeetyMeety ?
Starting with MeetyMeety is incredibly easy. No integration, access provision, or technical setup is required on your end. You will only define which company email domain(s) can access your private company space and your company can start using MeetyMeety. Yes, we made it that simple! 🎉
What Makes MeetyMeety Efficient ?
MeetyMeety integrates well‑being and team building by enabling organic, micro‑team activities initiated by any employee. It promotes in‑person, one-on-one, or small group healthy activities based on shared interests. This approach effectively builds stronger, healthier workplace relationships while enhancing employee well-being.
What is the ROI of Using MeetyMeety ?
MeetyMeety offers significant cost savings by complementing traditional team-building activities, reducing turnover, and minimizing sick days. It enhances job satisfaction, engagement, and productivity, leading to financial gains and lowering rehiring costs.

Enhance Your Workplace with MeetyMeety

With MeetyMeety Digital Well‑being Platform

Contact us today to discover how MeetyMeety can enhance employee well‑being and workplace culture while helping you achieve your goals of improved engagement, productivity, and reduced turnover.

Let's work together to create a healthier, happier, and more efficient work environment for your organization.

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